

Last updated on Apr 18, 2024 22:52 in Content Manager
Posted By - goblips


The power of comfort! 

Some amenities are great at attracting first-time guests, while others have a significant impact on generating repeat business. 

Location: Content Management System > Content > Amenities 


1. Click the On/Off button to Show/Hide the module. When deactivated, the Amenities section will no longer appear on the website. By default, this module is active. 


Customize Headings and Subheadings of Testimonials Section. 

1. Click the text box to type and customize your text. 

2. Click Update at the top of the window to apply the changes. 

Note: Text input fields have a max and min character length allowed; you will see validation messages with the details of each placeholder. 


Customize the Amenities Content or edit/add a new one 

1. Select the pen icon on the right side of the item to edit an existing Amenity or click Add for a new Amenity. 

2. In the Amenity content form, fill in the text fields with the Amenity Heading and its description to be published on your website. 

3. Customize the media content by clicking on the bin icon on the thumbnail. 

4. In the Upload area, drag and drop or select an image file from your computer; supported formats are JPG, PNG or GIF (recommended resolution: 600 x 600 pixels). 

You can also use video files with the mp4 format (recommended resolution: 1280 x 720 pixels and no longer than 5 seconds). 

5. By clicking on the goBlips Stock, you can use images from our image bank with usage rights limited to the website. 

6. You can have a maximum of 3 multimedia items contents for each Amenity.

7. Click Update at the top of the window to apply the changes. 

.Delete an Amenity

Click the bin icon on the right side of the item to delete an existing Amenity

Click proceed to finalize 

.To reorder appearance 

You can change the order of appearance of the Amenities items by dragging and dropping up or down the circle icon on the left side of each record.

** The time is base on America/New_York timezone